HomeOnline CatalogueqPCR / Real Time PCR KitsSpecific Detection: Fluorescent Reporter Probe qPCR Probe qPCR Master Mix Probe qPCR Master Mix plus ROX

Probe qPCR Master Mix plus ROX

Sensitive, high precision (2x) master mix plus separate ROX solution for probe-based quantitative real-time PCR and two-step RT-qPCR. Plus separate UNG, PCR water and ROX.

Detailed Product Description
 English Version
 Deutsche Version

Quantity Package Cat-No. Price in €
100 reactions
(100 x 25 μl)
200 reactions
(200 x 25 μl)
1.000 reactions
(1000 x 25 μl)

Application Example

Figure 1: Probe-based real-time PCR plus UNG pretreatment with EURx Probe qPCR Master Mix (2x), GAPDH specific primers and a HEX-labeled probe binding within the amplicon. Reactions were performed in duplicates by using human leukocyte cDNA (10 ng and 0.2 ng) as template. Measured CT values as well as amplification plots were near identical for all corresponding duplicates, respectively. For each template DNA amount, amplification plots for one of both duplicates is displayed, respectively. Measured PCR efficiency was 98%.

Probe qPCR Master Mix (2x) - Package ContentsOptionally supplied, if needed:
  • 25 mM MgCl2 solution. If required, please request this component along with your order.
Related ProductsAdditional Resources

 qPCR Master Mix Logsheet